I have a real weakness for bikkies and cheese, any sort of cheese really, usually far too much of it! Very hard to stop once it's in front of me! These tasty mushrooms were an attempt at damage control, I reckon if I add a few tasty, healthy bits to my cheese plate, I might eat a bit less of the cheese!

All of the Thyme in my garden is looking magnificent at the moment, flowering beautifully, it's still possible to find some bits without flowers which is what I needed for this simple recipe.

I just tossed the mushrooms in Balsamic, Olive oil and chopped up a handful of Thyme and tossed that through too with a pinch of sea salt.

I spread the mushrooms on a baking paper lined oven tray and cooked them in a moderate oven for 30 minutes, set aside to cool and store in an airtight container in the fridge.

These were lovely on a cheese plate with some bitey Cheddar and Quince Paste. I think they would be good served warm as part of a Tapas menu, might try that soon.
What a delicious combination of foods