Monday, September 26, 2011

Meat-free Almost, Wheat-free Monday in Melbourne.....

I've been spending some time in Melbourne this week and wasn't home to whip up a meat-free, wheat-free feast! I did manage to have an amazing meat-free take-away from The Moroccan Soup Bar at 183 St. Georges Road North Fitzroy while I was there though, almost worth a trip to Melbourne just for that!
If you have an opportunity to go there, eating in or take -away are both great experiences, take your own containers for take-away and just tell the friendly staff how many people you are feeding, for $10 each we got more than we could possibly fit in and it was without a doubt the best take-away I've had ever, 4 different dishes including their fabulous Chickpea Bake as well as rice & couscous.

Going there with a bag full of containers reminds me of when I was a child and we used to go to our local Chinese take-away restaurant with saucepans for them to put the food in, much more fun and eco-friendly than throw away containers.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip Linda - I have seen the Moroccan Soup Bar in Nth Fitzroy and I was wondering how good this place was. Must try it next time we are in there...
